A new infographic from HPP explains the effect of RSV on older adults

6 October 2022

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is not just a risk for babies and young children, it is also dangerous for older adults and people with existing health conditions. During the 2022 National RSV Awareness Month, HPP will be promoting its new infographic that highlights the impact of RSV on older adults in Europe.

RSV has similar symptoms to the flu, including coughing and wheezing, and is transmitted through the air or via surfaces. The virus causes seasonal respiratory disease, which in severe cases can lead to pneumonia and is a serious risk to older adults and people with existing health conditions. In 2015, RSV was responsible for around 336,000 hospitalisations globally.

The infographic shows the societal and economic cost of RSV in older adults, and identifies four action areas to reduce its impact in Europe: surveillance, diagnosis, infection prevention and control, and treatment.

As part of this programme of work, HPP will be publishing a full policy report in 2023.


View the infographic below. Click the image to download.
