Environmental and sustainability position statement

The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) is committed to fostering environmental sustainability through its business practices and, wherever possible, written outputs.

As part of our commitment, HPP has developed an Environmental Sustainability Policy, which sets out the ways in which we are working to reduce emissions and overall environmental impact. Actions include:

Limiting direct and indirect emissions

  • Reduce office energy consumption.
  • Use lower-emission travel options.
  • Reduce waste through using non-plastic and refillable supplies where possible.
  • Encourage recycling by providing appropriate facilities.

Limiting value chain emissions

  • Give preference to organisations with robust sustainability strategies or credentials.
  • Use, where possible, office supplies made from sustainable, recycled and/or recyclable materials.
  • Recycle or donate office supplies, furniture and technology that are no longer required by HPP.
  • Aspire to promote environmental sustainability in our outputs.

Homeworking considerations

  • Employees are encouraged to consider environmental sustainability while working at home e.g. turning off electrical appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient heating.

Reducing digital carbon footprint

Employees are encouraged to avoid having multiple browser windows open, avoid sending unnecessary emails, and unsubscribe from mailing lists no longer in use.

HPP endeavours to make these sustainable changes and will continue to work towards a more sustainable future with our internal Environmental and Sustainability Committee. To find out more, you can contact the committee at [email protected].