HPP Managing Director speaks at Westminster event on cancer care

6 October 2021

On 30 September, HPP Managing Director Suzanne Wait spoke at the Westminster Health Forum event ‘Priorities for cancer care – service restoration and transformation, supporting innovation, and opportunities for improving patient outcomes’, alongside other cancer experts from academia, industry and the NHS. The event was chaired by Angela McFarlane (IQVIA) and The Rt Hon. the Lord Lansley.

The first half of the conference kicked off with presentations from Professor Richard Sullivan (King’s College London) and Professor Anne Mackie (Public Health England), discussing the impact that COVID-19 has had on cancer care, lessons learnt, and how cancer screening services can recover in the wake of the pandemic. This was followed by an interesting panel discussion on how to improve cancer service delivery and overcome barriers to diagnosis and treatment.

The event went on to consider opportunities for innovation within cancer care, with Suzanne joining a panel to discuss this alongside Joe Kirwin (Pancreatic Cancer Action), Dr Abhjit Gill (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust), Dr Neville Young (Yorkshire & Humber AHSN) and Professor David Kerr (University of Oxford). Her presentation emphasised that innovations must work for, and be accessible to, people living with cancer who need them:

‘Developing innovations isn’t enough, we also need to think about how we get them to patients. And that requires a systems approach.’


Many thanks to Westminster Health Forum for hosting the event.
