
In July 2024, The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) published Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics, a report outlining the changes needed to ensure that health systems are ready to adopt these innovative technologies.

The report explores the potential of advanced diagnostics to transform outcomes for people with cancer. It also presents five priority areas for policymakers to act on, in order to lay the groundwork for the adoption of these technologies.

This communications toolkit contains key information and insights from the report, and has been developed to support you in advocating for improved access to advanced cancer diagnostics across Europe.

The full report is available by clicking the button below.

Find out more
Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics

How to use this toolkit

The sample social media posts and assets presented below are designed to help you share the key messages from the report Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics.

It is recommended that the content of the toolkit not be changed when used. If you make amendments, please do not mention any products/medicines or their use in clinical practice. This is because the mention of medicines could be seen as promotional, which is not appropriate.

The assets shared at the bottom of the page (which can be downloaded individually or as a group via the button below) should be used in conjunction with written social media posts, as this will increase engagement and responses. The assets are also important for use with written social media posts as they include the following disclaimer to ensure transparency around the nature of the collaboration: ‘This report was initiated by AstraZeneca and funded by AstraZeneca, GE HealthCare, Ibex Medical Analytics, Sophia Genetics and Thermo Fisher Scientific’.

Sample news item


Closing the gap between hype and hope: New report examines how health systems can prepare for the future of cancer diagnosis

The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) has worked with an expert steering committee to publish a report outlining the policy actions needed to prepare health systems for the future of cancer diagnosis.

The report, Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics, details the potential of these innovative techniques to transform outcomes for people with cancer. The report also outlines five priority areas to act on so that the benefits of advanced diagnostics will be available across Europe.

While cancer outcomes are improving for some, others continue to face a poor outlook – especially when diagnosed at a later stage. Global estimates suggest that cancer will surpass cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of premature death in the 21st century.

Advanced diagnostics, which are used largely in research settings and specialist hospitals, have the potential to provide more in-depth information on a person’s cancer than ever before. They can provide information about cancer’s genetic signature, as well as more precise images of tumours and cancer cells, more in-depth molecular information, and more powerful data and analytical tools.

These new tools could facilitate earlier and more accurate diagnosis, allow for the selection of highly tailored treatments that are more likely to be effective, and reduce the likelihood of people being exposed to severe side effects from treatments that would not benefit them.

Read the report and find out more: www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics 

Sample newsletter item

The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) has published a new report that outlines the policy actions needed to prepare health systems for the future of cancer diagnosis.

Developed alongside an expert steering committee, the report, Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics, details the potential of advanced diagnostics to transform outcomes for people with cancer. The report also outlines the five priority areas policymakers can support so that the benefits of these innovative techniques are available across Europe.

While cancer outcomes are improving for some people, others continue to face a poor outlook – especially when diagnosed at a later stage. Advanced diagnostics could provide more in-depth information than ever before, supporting earlier and more accurate diagnosis while providing healthcare professionals with the information needed to select highly tailored treatments that are most likely to be effective while avoiding people being exposed to severe side effects from treatments that will not be beneficial for them.

Read the report to discover how policymakers can work to improve outcomes for people with cancer by planning for the future of cancer diagnostics today.

Read the report and find out more: www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics

Sample LinkedIn item

In many areas of Europe, there is a major need to optimise cancer care to improve outcomes and quality of life.

By providing more in-depth information on cancer than ever before, advanced diagnostics could play a critical role in improving outcomes. They can, for example, be used to support earlier and more accurate diagnosis and the selection of highly tailored treatments that are more likely to be effective.

The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) has published a new report that outlines the policy actions needed to prepare health systems for the future of cancer diagnosis.

Developed alongside an expert steering committee, the report, ‘Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics’, details the potential for these innovative techniques to transform outcomes for people with cancer, and outlines five priority areas where policymakers can support the widespread adoption of advanced diagnostics.

Read the report and find out more: www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics



General messages

Advanced diagnostics could transform outcomes for people with cancer. But to fully realise the benefits of these innovative technologies, health systems must be ready to adopt them.

Discover more in this new report by @HealthPolicyPtp www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics

This new report by @HealthPolicyPtp, developed in collaboration with an expert steering committee, outlines five policy priorities to help ensure the sustainable and equitable integration of advanced diagnostics in cancer care. www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics



Messages addressing healthcare professionals

Advanced cancer diagnostics could secure earlier and more accurate cancer diagnosis and guide optimal treatments. Read @HealthPolicyPtp’s report to discover the role of policymakers in supporting their availability. www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics


Advanced diagnostics could transform the way we diagnose cancer, but health systems must be ready for them. Read this report by @HealthPolicyPtp to see how policymakers across Europe can support the equitable delivery of these new techniques. www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics


The latest report from the @HealthPolicyPtp underscores the urgent need for health systems to prepare for advanced cancer diagnostics. These tools are crucial for improving patient outcomes by enabling earlier and more accurate diagnosis. www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics


Messages addressing policymakers

Policymakers must prepare health systems to adopt advanced cancer diagnostics, to ensure the future of high-quality and equitable cancer care across Europe. Read @HealthPolicyPtp’s new report to see how we can prepare for the future. www.healthpolicypartnership.com/project/advanced-cancer-diagnostics

Social media assets

The assets below can be used alongside written social media posts to increase engagement and responses. The assets can be downloaded individually or as a group by clicking here.






Sample advocacy letter 

This open letter template has been developed to help you call for change from local policy- and decision-makers with a unified voice.

Dear [representative’s name],

As [your constituent/other designation], I am writing to request your support in ensuring that health systems are ready to adopt advanced diagnostics, which could give people with cancer the best chance of survival.

Advanced diagnostics, which at the moment are largely available in clinical trials or specialist hospitals, could transform outcomes for people with cancer. These innovative technologies are providing more in-depth information on cancer than ever before. With this information, patients could receive earlier and more accurate diagnosis; be given highly tailored treatments; and suffer fewer severe side effects by avoiding treatments that are not likely to be effective.

These technologies may also bring significant benefits to health systems, and could include:

  • fewer treatments being delivered that would not be effective, saving time and resources
  • a reduction in hospitalisations from severe side effects associated with these treatments
  • reduced costs, since cancers that are diagnosed earlier tend to be less expensive to treat
  • efficiencies through greater use of automation.

While advanced diagnostics could bring significant benefits, it is critical that we prepare our health systems, and prevent the existing inequalities in cancer care and outcomes from widening.

To find out more, please read the report Powering the future of cancer care with advanced diagnostics: How can we ensure health systems are ready for innovation? The report outlines clear actions for policy- and decision-makers.

Please join me in recognising the crucial role advanced diagnostics could play in improving the lives of people with cancer and their families, and the urgent need to address the barriers that prevent many people with cancer from benefitting. Your actions as an MEP have the potential to transform cancer outcomes.

I look forward to your response, and I hope to speak with you soon.

Yours sincerely,




This project was initiated by AstraZeneca and funded by AstraZeneca, GE HealthCare, Ibex Medical Analytics, Sophia Genetics and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Veeva ID: Z4-66216  |  Date of preparation: 01/07/24