Lung Cancer Policy Network

HPP acts as secretariat to the Lung Cancer Policy Network, a global multidisciplinary alliance that aims to make lung cancer an international policy priority.


Across the world, lung cancer is responsible for one in five cancer-related deaths – but it is rarely recognised as a priority in health policy.

Lung cancer is among the world’s most common cancers. In 2020 alone, there were 2.2 million new cases of lung cancer globally, and 1.8 million deaths. It is often diagnosed at a late stage, when treatment options are limited.

Early detection of lung cancer, via screening with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT), presents an opportunity to save lives and reduce the significant financial burden of lung cancer on people and societies. Only a few countries have so far committed to implementing lung cancer screening programmes, but many others are considering it.

Additional resources

Policy brief

Policy brief

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on governance

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Policy brief

Policy brief

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on workforce and technical capacity requirements

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Policy brief

Policy brief

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on financial planning

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Policy brief

Policy brief

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on eligibility and recruitment

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Policy brief

Policy brief

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on developing a clear protocol for LDCT screening

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Policy brief

Policy brief

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on data management and programme evaluation

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What we’ve achieved

HPP acts as Secretariat to the Lung Cancer Policy Network, an initiative of the Lung Ambition Alliance set up in 2021. The Network is a global alliance of lung cancer experts, including clinicians, researchers, patient organisations and industry partners.

The Network’s initial goal was to create a community to enable exchange of lessons learnt from the implementation of lung cancer screening. As the Network has developed, our goals have expanded to encompass wider aspects of early detection, care pathways and policy advocacy.

In 2022, the Network launched its inaugural report, Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation. The report discusses existing research on LDCT screening for lung cancer and draws four lessons from the successful implementation of screening programmes.

More recently, the Network has launched:

We were also delighted to have the interactive map of lung cancer screening, nominated as a finalist for the Excellence in Communicating and Using Data category at the 2023 Communique Awards.

As Secretariat, HPP created and manages the Lung Cancer Policy Network’s website, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts.

Key partners and stakeholders

The Lung Cancer Policy Network is a global multidisciplinary alliance. All members donate their time for free. Please visit the Network’s website for a full list of members.

Project funding

The Lung Cancer Policy Network is a global multi-stakeholder initiative set up by the Lung Ambition Alliance. The Network is funded by AstraZeneca, Guardant Health, Johnson & Johnson, MSD and Siemens Healthineers. Secretariat is provided by The Health Policy Partnership. All Network outputs are non-promotional, evidence based and shaped by the members, who provide their time for free.
