Upcoming webinar explores how health systems can become more equitable and trustworthy

17 June 2024

On 2 July, The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) will host a free webinar to launch the report Earning trust: a foundation for health equity.

As part of the webinar, expert speakers in health equity and inclusivity will discuss four key policy principles: understanding, inclusion, transparent communication, and data generation. Identified by an expert steering committee, these principles can help health systems nurture and build trust with under-represented groups in their communities.

Trust in health systems is held by a fragile thread. Historic and current disparities in health care access and delivery can lead under-represented groups to seek alternative sources of information and care – which can contribute to poorer health outcomes.

Addressing inequities and building trust will improve health outcomes for under-represented groups and contribute to more equitable and sustainable health systems for the future.

The webinar and report form part of A Million Conversations, an international initiative by @Sanofi to build trust in health systems.

We hope you can join us at this event.

Register for the webinar

This webinar was funded by Sanofi.
